Keep in mind that not only were the evangelists Bootcamp graduates--the crusade organisers, trainers, mobilisers, and overseers were Bootcamp graduates as well! In fact, the evangelists have been organisers in previous campaigns, which means that we are raising up evangelists fully developed in crusade evangelism! They can mobilise churches, follow up with new converts, preach the Gospel and heal the sick! We are on track to train 10,000 evangelists like this IN THIS DECADE!
Not only are these evangelists fully capable in their own right, but because of their training, they are unified to a degree that is unprecedented. They maneuver like a military operation but love one another like a big family. They all have the same heart. They all preach the same Gospel. They all know how to heal the sick and cast out demons. They all work together for the same outcomes in a highly strategic and co-ordinated way. One evangelist will organise a crusade for his fellow grad, and then they will reverse roles! In addition to their collaboration with CfaN, they also team up and conduct their own independent crusades and campaigns all over the world.
We are seeing crusades happening somewhere in the world every week now (sometimes multiple crusades per week).
This is the fulfillment of a vision that is years in the making and has required literally hundreds of thousands of man-hours to develop. What I am talking about is not merely a good event but the development of a whole new model of crusade evangelism that can shake entire nations with the power of the Gospel. And best of all--this model is completely scalable!
We will soon be conducting 40+ of these Decapolis crusades per year! And these mass crusades are not just happening in the big capital cities (where everyone goes) but now we can reach every village and hamlet! Places where no evangelist has ever been, are suddenly being invaded by the Gospel in the most epic fashion!
For the final night here in Zambia, I flew to Lusaka (the District of Kanyama), where Evangelists Jacob Ebersole and Alejandro Escobar are stationed.