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Dear Mission Partners,

What an unforgettable night! Our team across both crusade cities is still buzzing with excitement, basking in the lingering glory of God.

In both Hosanna and Sodo, the Gospel was proclaimed with power. I preached in Hosanna, while Joe Turnbull shared the message in Sodo. In both places, multitudes responded, and the Holy Spirit moved mightily.

Saturday nights are always special as we pray for many – especially new converts – to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. It’s a moment only God can orchestrate. With no way to lay hands on everyone, we pray over the entire crowd, trusting Jesus, the Baptizer, to do the rest.

In Hosanna, as I prayed, the Holy Spirit swept through the field like a rushing wind. The fire of God fell, and the crowd erupted in praise as people were immersed in the Spirit, speaking in new tongues, encountering Jesus in powerful ways. Before it was over, nearly every musician and pastor on the platform lay on the ground, under the power of God. Then, I began to pray for the sick.

In Hosanna, for some reason, testimonies had been slow throughout the week, but a breakthrough was near. As the Spirit moved, I noticed an older woman in the crowd pressing her hands to her ears, praying earnestly.

The Holy Spirit stirred me, and I pointed to her, commanding her ears to open in Jesus’ name. Instantly, she began waving her arms – something miraculous was unfolding.

She pushed through the crowd toward the front. Taking her hand, I led her onto the platform and asked what happened. This woman lived on the outskirts of Hosanna and had traveled into town just for the crusade. Deaf in both ears for seven years, she said the moment I pointed at her, her ears popped open – she could hear! She danced and jumped across the platform, overcome with unrestrained joy.

Then, like a dam breaking, miracles erupted across the field. People fell to the ground in worship as a holy awe swept over us, gripping every heart.

The next testimony came from Xermekum, a young man medically discharged from the military after losing hearing in both ears for two years. He hadn’t planned to attend the crusade – he was in town from the countryside to handle banking, but nothing had gone as expected. Discouraged, he saw the event’s advertisements and decided to go.

During the prayer, his ears suddenly popped open. Overwhelmed, he made his way to the platform, trembling and weeping. Falling to his knees, he clung to my legs, overcome with emotion. I gently helped him up, telling him it was Jesus, not me, who had healed him.

Many more miracles happened in Hosanna as well.

Meanwhile In Sodo, as Joe Turnbull prayed for the Holy Spirit to move, a young boy near the front, crying out to the Lord, suddenly collapsed. When he stood, the infected leg he had battled for two years was completely healed. Overwhelmed, he ran to the stage with his sister, both in awe of what the Lord had done.

Nazareth, deaf in her right ear since age three, found her hearing restored. She covered her good ear, confirming she could now hear perfectly.

Wubnesh, who had struggled to breathe because of a tumor in her throat, came forward too. Her sister had been healed the night before, and with faith stirred, she prayed for herself. Tonight, she testified – the tumor was gone!

The testimonies could go on endlessly. I believe the churches in Ethiopia will echo with all that Jesus has done this week for the rest of the year. Jesus is alive, and we are witnesses to His wonders!

Thank you for your prayers. Tomorrow night marks the climax of this second week of crusades, and we believe even greater things are ahead. We trust God for one more mighty harvest in Hosanna and Sodo.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the whole CfaN team)


These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 


Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight, the city of Sodo echoed with the sound of the Gospel, carried on the wind and lifted by the hearts of the thousands who gathered. With majestic mountains as a backdrop, I preached on the blood of Jesus and invited people to step out of darkness into the light where the blood of Jesus Christ would cleanse them from all sin. Hands shot up the moment the altar call was given.

As the night unfolded, the time came to break the chains that had held this land captive. Barrels filled with objects of witchcraft were set ablaze, and as the crowd counted – “1, 2, 3” – the flames leapt into the sky, symbolizing freedom. Joy erupted as the curse was lifted, and the air was filled with songs of praise.

With the fire still burning behind me, I handed the microphone to Evangelist Joe Turnbull, who prayed over the sick. 

Meanwhile, in Hosanna: the night began with a battle in the spirit. At 5 a.m., the team gathered on the rooftop of the hotel to pray for breakthrough, sensing the grip of religion, pride, and compromise over the city. As they lifted their voices in prayer, God began to move. By the time the crusade field opened that evening, the crowd had tripled from the night before, and a spirit of expectancy filled the air.

Evangelist David Rotärmel preached powerfully, confronting the forces of deception and bondage. As the altar call was given, the crowd responded with cries of repentance, calling upon Jesus to cleanse them completely. It was a moment of profound freedom, and even after the crusade ended, the streets of Hosanna echoed with songs about Jesus. From the hotel, the team could still hear the joyful singing of those who had encountered the Savior!

In both cities, as the sick were prayed for, amazing miracles happened.

Tesfay had suffered from asthma and heart pain for over five years, his chest aching whenever he shouted. After prayer, he was completely healed and joyfully tested his healing by shouting the name of Jesus.

Admaso had been unable to move his wrist for 11 years after falling from a tree. After prayer, he waved his hands joyfully and even confirmed his healing by doing push-ups on stage. 

Twubech suffered for 5 months with pain and could not bend her back. She praised the Lord on stage, bending over and dancing.

Emmanuel, who had injured his knee playing soccer and suffered pain for over a year, was healed. He jumped up and down on his healed knee, praising Jesus for his miracle.

Sabiba, a mother from Hosanna, testified about her son Tesfahun, whose arm was severely injured in a motorcycle accident. For three years, he couldn’t stretch it. But tonight, Jesus healed him, and he stretched his arm fully in front of the crowd, pain-free.

Tomorrow, I travel to Hosanna, where I will complete the week. Thank you, dear partners, for standing with us in prayer and support. Through your faithfulness, we are seeing this region transformed by the power of the Gospel.

Yours in Christ,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the whole CfaN team)


These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? 


Dear Mission Partners, 

Tonight marked the beginning of our second week here in Ethiopia, where we are holding two simultaneous crusades in the cities of Sodo (where I am tonight) and Hosanna (where I will be this Saturday and Sunday). 

Tonight, I witnessed something I’ve never experienced before. As I preached, I spoke about the promise in Philippians 2:10 – that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Then, something remarkable happened. Without my prompting, the crowd began to kneel in the dirt, lifting their hands and spontaneously calling on the name of Jesus. I knelt with them, waiting for the moment to pass so I could continue, but they had no intention of stopping. Their cries to the Lord grew even more fervent, many of them weeping, pouring out their hearts in raw, genuine surrender. It was such a powerful moment that my own eyes filled with tears. Finally, with all of us still on our knees before the King of Kings, I led them in a prayer of salvation.

Meanwhile, in the city of Hosanna, the day began with heavy rain pouring down, driving away the crowd that had gathered. As the rain continued, Evangelist David Rotärmel – the Bootcamp graduate who is stationed there – watched the people scatter, seeking shelter. Moved by the unfolding disaster, the Vice Chairman of the crusade began to weep, lifting up a heartfelt prayer for the rain to cease and for the people to return. Amazingly, the rain quickly stopped, and the people returned to the field – in even greater numbers than before!

David preached the Gospel with all his heart and then prayed for the sick. In both cities we saw tremendous miracles on this first night. Here is a small sampling:

A woman with a massive tumor on her chest felt it vanish during the prayer. Overwhelmed with joy, she ran off to share the news with her family before we could even hear her full testimony. 

Taddeus, who had suffered from a severe headache linked to witchcraft since 1994, was set free and completely healed.

Tamrat, who had been dealing with debilitating pain in his left arm for three years following a motorcycle accident, was healed and could lift his arm again!

Martha, unable to move her right leg and suffering from kidney pain for five years, was healed and danced joyfully on stage.

This is only the beginning of our crusades this week. We ask for your continued prayers as we press forward here in Ethiopia, believing for a historic harvest of souls.

Yours in Christ,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

(Together with the whole CfaN team)


These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest?